A Touristy Stroll Through London

I am truly, madly, deeply in love with London.

That is common knowledge for everyone who has ever met me. The feeling I get when I drive into the city after having been away for too long is like no other. Thankfully, my very best friend has made this beauty her home so I have an excuse to pop around pretty much whenever I feel like it.

In what has become a staple exercise for us, whenever I'm in town I'll hop on the river boat to Canary Wharf to have lunch with her. And not just any lunch but some of the best Burritos this side of the Atlantic Ocean. But that's another story.

My last visit in that sense was some of the same old. Only London had decided to show itself from its finest side and brought out the big guns. Meaning full on sunshine that had me grinning like mad.

As K had to head back to the office and rejoin the work and grind, I headed out to walk about town on my own. All the while soaking up the great weather while it lasted.

First off, I paid a visit to Parliament which is always worth a visit. No matter how often I have been standing in front of it, the architecture never ceases to amaze me.

Moving on down Whitehall I tried my best to dodge tourists (I know, I know; I technically am one myself).

Passing Trafalgar Square which is an amazing spot for people watching especially during lunch hours.

Then heading out to The Mall strolling closer and closer to a certain royal real estate.

But not without taking a little detour through James's Park and admiring this lovely skyline.

The sun slowly got ready to set tinging everything in a warm afternoon glow. And incidentally making for the perfect photographing opportunities.

Finally, I arrived at the Victoria Memorial in all its golden glory.

Oh, and Buckingham Palace wasn't too shabby to look at either.

Well, in all honesty this trip happened right along our Eastbourne New Year's get away. So, yes that is a Christmas tree right in front of the palace.

Originally, I had planned to head back home from there but the weather was to glorious to waste so I headed over to the Hyde Park and further on to the Kensington Gardens. Specifically the Albert Memorial which holds a fond little place in my heart. It is the first sight I consciously remember visiting upon my very first trip to London.

Every once in a while I like to come here and think back to how I first fell in love with the city. I may just become nostalgic in my old days.

Of course if you find yourself at the Albert Memorial you also stand directly in front of the Royal Albert Hall.

As the skies turned pink and purple I took a few final snaps before going on my merry way.

Slowly, I strolled through Kensigton admiring christmas decorations and this unique spirit that is so absolutely British (for lack of a better word).

Passing the Natural History Museum I realized I had not been inside for ages and vowed to change that the next time I came to the city.

As the sun eventually faded to midnight blue I walked along Knightsbridge up to Green Park station to meet up with K and let the evening shenanigans begin.

While I know that there are a million hidden gems all over the place in London there is something to be said for following the touristy tracks every now and then. They aren't famous landmarks for nothing after all. And although discovering new things around every corner is half the excitement of London, for me revisiting and rediscovering what first drew me to London definitely is the other half.


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