By the Sea

The perks of being a student at St Andrews are plenty. Starting with everything being within a 5-minute-walk vicinity, continuing with having a beach right in front of your door, and ending with a rich social life not the least thanks to the many societies. One of them is the Fine Food Society which stages amazing dinners throughout the year. Their grand finale was this week at our very own (and befitting) Seafood Restaurant.

I had never been, but given that I love fish and was in dire need of a night off, I didn't hesitate when S asked if I wanted to go. We met R by chance at the venue and soon established a comfortable chatter around the table. Until the food came,!

The menu for the evening was listed as follows (the lower version was the vegetarian option which we ignored, because you have no business being at a seafood restaurant if you won't eat fish!).

They started us off with some bread and deliciously salted butter. But I love all things salty, so what do I know.

The first course consisted of this (no longer) splashing salmon fillet topped with spring onions and asparagus.

Hush, don't tell on me but I actually don't like wasabi at all. So when they came to pick up my plate everything was gone except three weirdly shaped green heaps. The main course followed in no time and I couldn't even tell you what my favourite part was. The sea bream was perfectly cooked, the Asian version of cole slaw was delicious and the accompanying mixture of salted potatoes, green beans, asparagus and kale was the proverbial icing on the cake.

In fact, it was so good I almost forgot to take a picture. By the way, these were all taken with my mobile phone, so please excuse the quality.

For pudding we had some kind of lemony cream which was light and refreshing; rounding up the entire dinner.

See, a smile that big cannot lie. We were very stuffed and very happy.

And look: there even is a picture of me. That almost never happens. Unfortunately you can't see the view outside in this one. But trust me it was magical. I might have to go back just to capture it. And for the food, naturally.


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